Monday, July 28, 2008

Drowning in a sea of boxes....

How in the world did I accumulate sooooooooo much stuff? We have already donated 7 trashbags full of clothes, a bag of shoes, 2 bags and 2 boxes of kitchen things....4 bags of things we just threw away....You'd think it would be down to bare bones - but no.... I cleared out 4 boxes in the storage unit too - books and clothes. I still have a bunch of stuff from my store that I need to dispurse out/sell. There were clothes and things that I had just saved - just for the sake of saving that really there is no need. Am I really my grandmother's daughter? Normally that would totally be a compliment, but I don't want a house as cluttered with things. I don't have room for it all until I sell my place and rent an apt in John's complex.
Tonight Johnny has a softball game. It is freaking hot outside, and the game is early: 6:45....
So many things rumbling around in this brain! Maybe I can take some stuff to Athens this weekend and do the aisle runner and the save the date cards there (if I don't finish those up before hand). Or maybe I can have Carol's stuff all printed so I just have to bind it. So many choices. Sunday, John said we can come back early so we can paint my apartment. The walls are good (except a few places that need to be patched (nail holes etc.)) but we need to clean/paint the doors and moldings.
Let's stop talking and start doing!!

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